Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A sunny spring-like day

So life is good! I'm walking around and pain-free (I'm not counting the achy twinges I get when I'm on my feet too long!).

It was a gloriously sunny day that felt April-like. Federico and I went for our weekly accupuncture fix and then for fabulous pho. We got daring and shared a cool dessert drink with coconut milk, shaved ice, peanuts, and tapioca. I know it sounds weird, but it was so good. A pleasing mix of creamy, cold, salty, crunchy, sweet.

I'm excited to go back to work, so it shows you how long I've been away. I think when I get to go for a long walk (with normal shoes and no crutches) I will cry of happiness. Ditto for hide and seek with Gladys, my first lap swim, dip in the jacuzzi, zumba class, getting a pedicure, or mucking around in the garden with my worms. I'm not exaggerating. I get happy just imagining any one of those things.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you had a great day. No Pain! Whooo-hoo!
    Hope you have a wonderful and easy transition back into work and notice the little triumphs each day brings.
    You are Amazing! =]
