So as a die hard feminist, who would have thought I would take up canning in midlife? Not me.
With then again, I didn't see myself as a gardener either, or is full of good surprises and unplanned gifts.
I took a fun canning class today through the City of Portland. It was held at Grand Central Bakery, and we got to can pickled green tomatoes, which is great...because I have a fair amount of them right now, and not enough hot sunshine to ripen anything. Besides learning the how to of canning, we got to eat yummy turkey and cream cheese sandwiches featuring the pickled tomatoes, plus a delicious bundt cake made with apple butter, which we also learned how to make....
The teacher held up my can as a "blue ribbon example" with genuine pleasure to the class, due to the distribution of liquid and veg. I felt like a first grader with a gold star from the teacher....
Hi - found your page through a Google search. I took the class too, but have misplaced the recipe. I was wondering if you still have it and wouldn't mind posting it. I'm sure there are other good combos out there, but I remember really enjoying these, and there are a ton of green tomatoes to be had this year!