Here are just some of the skills she's used:
- public speaking skills and learning to be assertive. She was shy at first talking to total strangers on the street, but then she found her groove as the dollars rolled in.
- marketing skills (painting signs for our veg stand - the bench in front of the food coop)
- gardening skills (how to divide little cilantro starts to get more product and help the plants thrive)
- math skills (making change for customers and counting the profits)
- planning skills (we started planning this 2 weeks ago, and we will continue to plan and organize for future sales until all the cilantro starts have homes).
- sharing with God - I asked that she give $1 of her earnings to the church basket as a way of thanking our Creator for the abundance of the earth and cilantro (and the land we have to grow it)
What a wonderful experience for Gladys. You are such a good role model for this young lady. WOW!! $2.00 each!! Keep us posted on each successful venture.