Sunday, August 29, 2010

At the root

I've been reading and watching some powerful stuff these days.  The Shock Doctrine is a remarkable book that gets at the very root of our current economic and political situation.  It's not a beach read, and there are parts that are so heartbreaking and infuriating that I had to take breaks to recoup.  I think it's essential reading for anyone who wants to know where your tax dollars have been and are going.  Disturbing, provocative, brilliant and finally (at the very end) hopeful.  I recall first hearing about her during an interview on KBOO and happily came upon her audio book at the library. 

Because I'm fascinated by the author's mind, I checked out The Take, a documentary made by Naomi Klein and her husband.  This film recounts the economic crisis in Argentina and how workers have taken over closed down factories...I loved it for many reasons.  It's so important that someone is documenting the hopeful and powerful stories of resistance out there, and I loved seeing these working class men fight and win.  I also enjoyed getting to see Naomi Klein and her husband, who come across as funny, young, smart and relentless.  

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