Monday, December 29, 2008

Doctor visit

So today was my weekly doctor's visit. It is my most social outing of the entire week.

It is my chance to hobble around in public, thereby feeling (publicly) quite disabled. I remember thinking the idea of tooling around in a wheelchair (which some able-bodied people do) to experience the world from the perspective of a disabled person was a good idea. Creepy but useful. Like that person who went around in black-face so they could experience racism. I definitely think it should be required for everyone (not the blackface). Using a walker or wheelchair gives you insight into the seemingly little things (like a curb) that can stop a person from entering a building or moving around in the world. I have a newfound love of ramps now, and curbs/steps are my enemy. Since disability (temp or permanent) can come to anyone, and certainly is likely for many old people -- it worth getting a taste. Develop some empathy. Scare you silly. Whatever.

My slowness and awkwardness in moving around able-bodied people is frustrating, and I feel like I engender a mixture of sympathy and some distance (like give her some room....), and I'm sure pity too. When I came out of the doctor's office, his waiting room was full of post-operative patients in surgical boots, and I felt like saying -- "my tribe." We all have this common bond, albeit temporary. They understand the challenges of moving around, taking a shower, the pain...When I see people jogging it makes me so jealous. I think, that was my tribe. I miss that one. That will be my tribe again.

So besides all the feelings that come up, I got my stitches out (that hurt) and am starting to do range of motion (ROM from here on out) exercises, i.e. I get to move my foot some. Right now it itches like crazy and kinda hurts, which I chalk up to all the activity of my day. I have proudly been 3 weeks w/o any pain meds of any kind.

The doctor is happy with my healing. Bones are growing. I just need to do my ROM everyday. My doctor will put me through those ROM paces each Monday, and he knows if you are naughty or nice by how much ROM movement one has or doesn't. The assistant advised to take a few advil before each visit. He's that kinda guy. Fun.

I guess I could take a photo or video of my foot with the lovely scar and upload it to my blog. It seems people share EVERYTHING nowadays. But I won't. It is gross, and I don't see the need to share that with the whole frigging planet.

1 comment:

  1. You make me laugh; yes, people do share Everything and, Thank You, I don't really need to see gross post-op stuff.
    Glad to hear you are healing well. Please continue to be smart about your body and don't over do it. Even though you don't seem to have that pattern as bad as our sister, I know you've got it. =]
