Friday, December 26, 2008


Well one thing about being stuck in the house for 3 weeks is that the significance of Friday or weekends becomes mute. Kinda of like a vacation.

My sister and her partner came over last night and brought a very delicious dinner....we had a good time catching up, talking and moaning over our aches and pains together. Her back is out, so she moves like an old lady. I'm walking around in a long nightgown and use a walker, so I look like an old lady. I guess we are getting a little foretaste of old age. Yikes.

I'm sure the stores are mobbed today. Maybe that will help the poor economy. I'm reading economist's Paul Krugman's blog (see the blog listing on the right side). Some European countries are already in a depression, which is sobering reading. I've become extremely well-informed about such things. I just wish I understood economic theory. I dated an economist for about 5 years, and the 2 things I learned were: trade is good and the President has far less power over our national economy than voters realize. Neither pieces of info are terribly useful right now. They also fail to explain the crazy crashing sounds on Wall Street. Bank failures and investments made out of bad mortages. I can add it to the long list of things I wish I'd learned in school, which includes: financial planning, public speaking, real history (not the shit that Christopher Columbus was some benevolent Italian sailor who got lost), math for the real world (understanding statistics, for one), etc. etc.

I guess I can take this opportunity to plug the many fine features of my blog, like the listing of other cool blogs I like to read. There is something for everyone. Gardening blogs, cooking blogs with recipes, a local birder's blog , a humor and satire blog....check 'em out. The local gardening and birder blogs have great pixs of the snowstorm, which makes up for my lack of them.

The playlist is also quite long and juicy. I'm sure you are also sick of hearing the opening song, so just hit the forward button to see if there is something more to your liking. I've got James Taylor, Peter Gabriel and lots of other music to enjoy.

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