Tuesday, February 3, 2009

22 random things about me

1. If I weren't Catholic, I'd be a Jew. I went through a Jewish phase as a kid that lasted a few years.

2. I learned to swim when I was 5 years old and haven't stopped since.

3. I once guarded Pete Seeger's guitar.

4. I loved going to Catholic school.

5. I don't know how to dive.

6. I had my first real boyfriend when I was 24.

7. I have never tried any illegal substances and have zero interest in being around people who use them.

8. I've had 4 proposals of marriage.

9. One of my favorite songs as a kid was "Brick House" by the Commodores.

10. I love bellydancing. Love to do it. Love to watch it.

11. If I could live anywhere in the world, I think it would be Paris.

12. If I could be a millionaire I would travel all over the place and then settle down somewhere warm.

13. I want to publish a book before I die.

14. I've run 4 marathons.

15. I've traveled to every country in Central America. Every single little country.

16. I speak 3 languages.

17. I can swearing fluently in 2 of them.

18. I always wanted a big brother growing up.

19. I've self-identified as a feminist since high school.

20. I do not understand people of color who vote Republican. Do not get it.

21. If I could date any celebrity, it would be Viggo Mortensen.

22. I will not color my gray hair.


  1. Most remarkable that you've traveled to every South American country. Ditto Viggo. What's your other language (English, Spanish, ???)? I'd be Catholic if I weren't Episcopalian. Just a step away really.

  2. My other language is French, and it's the one I can't swear in (beyond merde).

    Central America (El Salvador etc.)is more compact than big South America, where I've made a significant dent, but not visited them all. I still need to visit Argentina, Colombia, and the Guyanas.

    I almost became Episcolian, but I got cold feet!
