Thursday, May 14, 2009

Diets and such

I've known that the West's obsession with body image and thinness was a cultural trap to sap our energy and time away from more important being happy and changing the world. However reading the book "Intuitive Eating" and taking this workshop/class has been a journey exploring the medical evidence that dieting is a total hoax, waste of time, doomed to failure, not to mention detrimental to our physical and emotional health.

There are times when noticing that while most of the planet struggles for the most elemental of shelter, enough drinkable water and food to sustain their families, gaining a living wage....US women navel gaze about our bodies and diets as if the world depended on our thin thighs and taut bellies. Sorry I'm being so harsh and disgusted, but I really want to say good bye to all this crap.

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