Sunday, May 10, 2009


So shopping around for a yoga instructor/class/studio is very instructive.

I took a fabulous free yin yoga class at Exhale studio this evening, and what a totally different experience than the People's Yin Yoga class in almost every way.
  • I was the only student vs. a sardine-can packed class.
  • Anna, the instructor really connected, adjusted, and was very emphatic. She asked questions. She even laughed. The other teacher stayed up in the front pretty much the entire time.
  • There were lots of great props, with once again the lovely eye-pillow treatment during the restorative pose.

It was a challenging long class of holding lots of poses, sometimes until I thought I was going to yell. But I kept coming back to the breath, and it did really help.

Will I be back?

You betcha.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds absolutely perfect!
    A big cheer for finding a yoga instructor/class that aligns with your needs. =]
    Have a great practice!
