This story captures the tragedy that has been unfolding on our southern border. A combustible mix of racism, history, economics, and an abdication of government.
Beauty is before me and Beauty behind me. Above me and below me hovers the beautiful. I am surrounded by it, I am immersed in it. In my youth I am aware of it, and, in old age, I shall walk quietly the beautiful trail. In beauty, it is begun, In beauty, it is ended. Traditional prayer of the Dineh people
This story captures the tragedy that has been unfolding on our southern border. A combustible mix of racism, history, economics, and an abdication of government.
We have been following this story. How can anyone kill a little innocent little girl? So much hatred, so much racism. The women involved in the murder sounds like she has planned this for a long time. Even her brother turned her in. Pictures of her showed a cold, uncarrying person.