I've been blessed with a Dad who has been utterly devoted to his kids from the moment we appeared until now, and I feel very blessed.
My Dad has taught me so many lessons that continue to serve me well:
-the value of devoting time to God and nurturing a faith community
-the importance of nature and all living things
-the love of plants and growing things
-appreciation for Latin culture, especially our music and the language.
A lot of my pastimes and passions were started because my Dad exposed me to things....camping/being in the outdoors turned me into a woman who loves to travel to the wild parts of the world. I've hiked into too many national parks, volcanoes and forests to count, due to his planting that seed. My deep love of the Spanish language and Latin music is also due to his influence. Spanish lessons in the basement. Listening to him play the guitar and croon boleros were the seeds.
You've supported me, even when you didn't agree with my choices, which is probably the hardest thing one might have to do as a parent. You generally refrained from a lot of lecturing and let me figure things out at my pace, glacial as it may be sometimes. I have really appreciated your compassion and kindness. Oh, I forgot to mention your silly sense of humor!
Thank you for all the gifts, but most of all for the love. You are the best.
Dad asked "Are you trying to make him famous? Let me know so I can reserve a post office box for all the letters from his fans. Thank you for all the lovely adjectives."