Monday, April 27, 2009


Tonight is a really dreary evening. Dark and pouring down rain. Fitting really. Today was Amanda's funeral, so the day started with sadness. I'm sorry, but resurrection is a great concept, but in the hard reality of loss, it doesn't really do it for me right now.

The funeral brought back memories of my abueltita's first one, and I remember weeping inconsolably. Today I was asked to wash the body, which in modern day means washing the casket with Holy water sprinkled by our priest. I feel honored to do this....

Amanda was one of the leaders of our community. She was always there, organizing, calling, whenever there was a need she was around. I miss those monthly calls for the Comite meetings that she made without fail.

I feel so sad for us, and yet happy that Amanda isn't suffering anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Ree.
    It seems to be a season of life and death; so much life with the budding flowers and birds and new green shoots... and yet so many people in my outer circle passing on or being touched by a death in their families. I'm not sure if it has always been this way, or if I am just more aware of it as I age...
