Sunday, April 19, 2009


Today was one of those mixed bags. Beautiful and sad at the same time.
  • Gorgeous sunny day - check
  • Foot feeling MUCH better thanks to awesome yoga class and my remarkable ability to recuperate - check
  • Got to go for a real bonafide bike ride with Gladys and Fede with my spiffed up bike - check
  • Gardened like a maniac - planted all the veggie starts, put in creamsicle nasturtiums seeds, which will be an edging to the veggie beds, watered, weeded, and took a few pixs I will upload soon. - check

Amid all the sunshine and playing at Mass they made the announcement that Amanda had died this morning. She was a pillar of the community, one of the people who welcomed me to the parish as a newbie and recruited me for leadership. She and her husband came to every celebration at my home; she came to visit me after my miscarriage. Amanda was a good woman. Dependable. Kind.

She was dying of cancer and in a lot of pain, so her passing was not a surprise to anyone who knew her. Yet I can't help but feel shocked....can't imagine our church without her, wish I could have seen her when I stopped by last week with some flowers from the garden....although Sam said she was asleep. I confess that people in pain scare me.....I can drop off soup and flowers, but I'm frightened of seeing someone suffer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rita, What an interesting blog! I've never been on one before! (I know, I'm a dinosaur!). So many things have happened in your life since we last connected. It's a joy to read about your gardening. Do you remember your first time planting when I was there? I don't take credit for getting you started, but it was great to be there at the start of your new passion. I leave Baghdad on Saturday. Back to DC and the rat race there. But it's spring and I hope to have some fun over the summer. Kirsten will be back to work as counselor at the summer camp in the Shanendoah so I get to see her some before I leave for Lebanon. I didn't know about Federico and his daughter or about the miscarriage. I'm so sorry! You have experienced such loss. I'm glad your foot is better. Think of me as I walk the 10 miles for the disabled in Iowa on May 3.

    Take care and God bless. Shirley
