One of my co-workers recommended this book during my shut-in period, and I'm finally getting around to it. Ok, there was a mile-long list of holds, so it wasn't going to be in my hot hands very quickly anyway. It was a huge bestseller in France. I'm not very far in, but I already love it. The main character is Renee, for whom I already have a very soft spot in my heart. I also love being in Paris, if only in a book.
Here is a snippet of a review in the Guardian:
Despite its cutesy air of chocolate-box Paris, The Elegance of the Hedgehog is, by the end, quite radical in its stand against French classism and hypocrisy. It's intriguing that her compatriots have bought into it so enthusiastically. Clever, informative and moving, it is essentially a crash course in philosophy interwoven with a platonic love story. Though it wanders in places, this is an admirable novel which deserves as wide a readership here as it had in France.
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