Saturday, August 15, 2009

What I'm reading

I took a break from my audio-books for a musical interlude of amazing Rahman music. I need to write a whole post/ode to this remarkable musician (you might know him if you watched Slumdog, he did the soundtrack).

Now I'm listening to one of my favorite author's read her latest novel "The Mercy." Toni Morrison wanted to explore the time in our nation's history before slavery became equated with race, with Africans. There was such a time when our country was a mishmash of indentured servants of all colors. There was a slide to the enslavement of African people that began in the plantations of wasn't how this country started. Importing people to work as a birth sentence.

Here is a comment she made in an interview that I heartily agree with:

Yet none of this is to say that Morrison thinks race has run its course as an American topic (even if Obama wins). “Crude and crass as most of it is and, really, uninformed as almost all of it is, the discourse about race is important,” she says. “But the real conversation should take place among white people. They should talk to each other about that. Not with me. I can’t be the doctor and the patient.”

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