Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lovely day

So the last day of 2008 has been a very social one. Angie came by for a visit, bringing gluten-free treats from the New Cascadia bakery (what a sweetie - you're the best!). We chatted about life, especially Costa Rica, a country dear to our hearts, and then sat down for some wonderful caldo de pollo made by Federico.

Later on he and I tucked into the most wonderful cupcake she brought.... yum.

Debbie stopped by to catch up and bring over some homemade tamales (thank you!).

Nanci and Yves are coming over to ring in the New Year in a bit. We are going to watch some funny DVDs, eat, drink sparkling cider and welcome 2009.

So I haven't brought myself to do my ROM today (yet). Intellectually I understand its importance, but the idea of yanking that sore swollen healing toe as hard as I can bear...ick. I just have to keep thinking of that sadist (opps, my surgeon) who will be yanking away on Monday.


  1. It went ok. Painful at times, but gotta get this joint back moving. Thanks for asking!
