Friday, July 3, 2009

Another cool edible in the garden

I love Vern Nelson's column, and I really appreciate how adventurous his palate is....I've not cooked with herba santa, although I've certainly eaten in during my travels in southern Mexico and Central America. I've also eaten ants and grasshoppers, so I too have an adventurous palate.

One of my projects this year is to tackle the rather abandoned backyard patio, which is shady and been neglected due to my relentless focus on the front-yard "farm."

Happily this plant likes moist shade, which means the patio is the perfect place for it. The proximity to the kitchen is also a benefit. I've put one in a pot and another in the ground, as an experiment to see how they do. Stay tuned for photos.

I'm going to be on the lookout for some good recipes that incorporate this herb, and I luckily have a solid collection of Mexican cookbooks....Stay tuned for those too.

1 comment:

  1. I have epazote and haven't used it yet: it's beginning to bolt. Do you use it? Is it good in anything other than beans?
