Wednesday, July 15, 2009

From one wise Latina to another

Querida Sonia,

You've got a lot of folks who are cheering you on and proud of how you handle yourself with those arrogant Senators grandstanding as they are wont to do. They come off like bullies, and you as the extremely professional judge that you are.

My sweet senior citizen neighbor (who is a white guy, btw) thinks you're magnificent, as do I.

I can't believe that you, a raised poor Catholic Latina, are headed to sit on the Supreme Court. How can my mind and heart absorb that and that a Black man sits in the White House? In my lifetime. All I need is for the Pope to let women be ordained priests....

You are not a robot. You have a heart and viewpoint that those narrow-minded Senators have no clue grow up a Puerto Rican kid in the Bronx.....That court could a bit more empathy.

Adelante mujer...keep your head up. You are making us very proud.

Call me
Another wise Latina

1 comment:

  1. I also am very impressed w/Sonia. A Puerto Rican too!!! I remember how you & I were walking at a mall and you mentioned how amazing that your Grandmother (my Mom) came to the USA w/no education, then my generation went to high school, then you went to Bryn Myer and worked at the Library of Congress. I think we should be proud too. Lots of love & hard work.
