Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Movie nights

Yesterday we made a run to the video store to load up on DVDs for our evening entertainment. Last night was the first one, which was selected for being child-appropriate, "The Boy in Striped Pajamas," an adaptation of a young adult novel.

Hmmm. Without spoiling the ending, a movie about two boys from Jewish and Nazi families, one in a camp and other whose father runs it, well, let's just say that I'm not so sure about the notion this movie is child-appropriate. I woke up thinking about those little boys, and I suspect my nephews did too. I barely think the Holocaust is adult-appropriate.

We're watching "The Reader" right now, which was a really excellent novel. The movie version takes some liberties with the text, which is ok. I'm sort of past thinking a film adaption needs to be a pristine replica of its book.

I'm ready for taking a break from the whole Nazi era with a comedy or something lighter than genocide.

I'm missing being home, seeing Federico, and working in the garden. I'm envisioning the seedlings happily growing away, weeds that need pulling, tomato and chile plants that need to be put into the ground. Oh, the fun stuff ahead!

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