Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama and MLK - a good question

So we are in the car talking about President Obama. Gladys asks why Martin Luther King didn't become President? That innocent question kinda opens this big chasm into which an adult has to try to explain the history of racism and the civil rights movement to a 9 year old. I did my best, and it is always cool and hard to not insult her intelligence and overwhelm.

Then when we were curled up on the bed, me blogging and her reading, I realized that I had the "I have a dream" speech on the Playlist. I asked her if she wanted to hear him give a speech, and Gladys said yes. We cuddled and listened together. His words move me everytime, but I'm not quite sure if she can put this all together or appreciated his preacher oratory.

Plus segregation is a very strange concept to wrap your head around at any age.

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