Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Steve Almond

Well, there is another exciting development. I have been corresponding with an author.

This sounds so corny (or like I'm a stalker). I wrote Steve Almond an appreciative email after reading his latest book "Not that you asked." Hilarious, thought-provoking, sweet, angry, honest. Highly recommend it. I love how righteous he is about lying politicians, how much I could barely breath due to laughing so hard when reading about a former girlfriend waxed his chest, how sweetly he writes about being a father and teaching college students. He is a good guy.

So I thought, he's alive. He has email. I have time on my hands. I will likely never again have a chance to write him. Why not drop an email telling him you like his work? I did, and he wrote me back! Unfortunately I cannot do this with many of the authors I admire and enjoy. Either they are dead or don't have a web site (or both).

Want to learn more about said author? Email him?


One of the non-literary things I respect him for was quitting his pt teaching job at Boston College to protest that they gave Condi Rice an honorary degree, and then appeared on Fox to explain himself. With a mixture of rage and humor he writes all about it in "Not that you asked." Here it is the face off with the bully (oh, reporter, sorry):

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