Thursday, February 26, 2009

Funny bones

I'm still keeping up with my post-operative effort to laugh everyday, and here are some of my strategies. I've been mining the library's collection for more comedy DVDs and audiobooks. Free and funny. How can you go wrong?

I've been watching David Chappelle's episodes, and he's brilliant. I sure wish he was still doing standup, because I think he'd have a lot of interesting and funny stuff to say about Obama and his impact on how Americans handle race. I watch it in the morning as I do my ROM. While driving I'm listening to David Sedaris's "When you are engulfed in flames." I'm wavering between finding him hilarious in parts and not so funny in others.

There is something about building in daily moments of laughter that is really different and wonderful. I've got my almost daily workout and prayers, my vitamins, and laughing.

1 comment:

  1. Very Cool, Ree.
    You have to model that when you come home... Maybe I can figure out how to do the same. =]
