Monday, April 13, 2009


Leaving aside all the blogging about food, I need to write about the Easter vigil and the essence of what this day means to me.

The evening vigil is a 3 hour terms of Masses, this is my favorite service. Inside the church is completely dark, and we have a bonfire outside where we light candles and proceed into the church -- bringing light. The music, the readings in three languages, the Filipino candle dance, the bells, the baptisms, the joy and welcoming....That every Mass was as happy and celebratory.

Granted, for me, faith is a moving target. Christ rising from the dead sometimes pulls at my ability to believe in miracles, I confess. I can't believe I'm the only Christian to wonder at what Sarah Silverman calls the "Jesus is magic" thing. Beyond the magic is the intensity of his suffering, his sacrifice, the fear amongst the apostles, who knew something about doubt. This is very much the core of our religion, and honestly all the hierarchy and institutions that have grown up around it cannot obscure the core, on a day like Easter.

My favorite moment was the processional at the end, which closed with one of my favorite hymns of my childhood - "Jesus Christ has risen today." While I didn't sing during the long service (my typical way), this song made me feel like a girl again......intensely proud and happy to be Catholic. The words are a triumphant declaration of a miracle.

I sang it with my whole heart......


  1. How cool!!! I can't imagine you singing your heart out in public... I'm glad you were so inspired. =]

  2. So glad you enjoyed the 3 hour service. We have the same service at St. Pius. We welcomed 12 new Catholics. Being a Catholic is what we are - can't imagine beng anything else! Loved your discription and experience of such an important night.
