Friday, April 24, 2009

Recession living

It's been interesting to watch the impact that the recession has had on my spending habits. Although I'm blessed with a good job it doesn't mean that the economic crisis doesn't give me pause.

I've been shopping more at thrift shops, which have some great stuff. I've got some lovely clothes and jewelry for work (stuff that I get compliments on). I've also found the thrift shop a great place to buy vases so that I can gift a home-grown bouquet of flowers with a nice vase.

We are eating out a lot less, which isn't hard for us, since we both like to cook so much. It turns eating out into a real treat.

After surgery I turned to the library for DVDs, and I haven't stopped that....I never go to the video store. With Pandora, I don't see the need to buy new music....

All this adds up to saving money. Not sure what to do with it, except stuff it under a mattress. The banks and stock market don't look so good right now.


1 comment:

  1. Hate to say it, woman, but it's behaviors like this that will drag this recession out.
    Smart spending is always a good thing, but if you have a good job and it's relatively secure, you should be doing your best to support the businesses you've patroned in the past. There are plenty of people who are out of work with no choice but to stop spending. If everyone quits shopping at your old haunts, they'll go out of business. Don't hoard that money -- spend it. You'll be saving jobs and doing your part to end this recession.
