Thursday, April 30, 2009

Health update

I had another appointment with the Surgeon this week, and I'm delighted to report that my ROM is at 100 degrees. He is very happy and doesn't want to see me unless I've got problems that arise. Him yanking on the toe didn't even make me wince like the other times...let alone beg or cry.

I will credit:

-ruthless treadmill workouts that feature major incline
-Fede's wonderful ROM massages/torture sessions
-weekly yoga and dance classes that have me bending and moving


I treated myself to buying a couple pairs of shoes (he sells shoes that his staff fit you for and he can personally approve won't mess up the bunion). They are really nice looking (not old-lady shoes), and I think I deserve some variety in the shoe department (I've got 2 pairs sanctioned by the Surgeon, walking and dress....).


  1. Congradulations!!! No more Dr's visits must be a blessing to you. You do deserve some new shoes after all you have been through. No old lady shoes? I am anxious to see them when you visit.

  2. Hooray for you!!!
    And you DEFINITELY needed to splurg on shoes. That is one the thing you've always had a shortage of in your closet!
    (I suppose our sister makes up for that, no?)
